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Sources Say Ben Affleck Wants Out Of The Batman

Ever since it was announced that Ben Affleck would no longer direct The Batman for Warner Bros., a move that took just about everyone by surprise, the project has been the subject of numerous rumors, and most of them, not so positive. Thankfully, the tides seemed to turn in the film's favor when Warner Bros. finally broke the silence and announced Matt Reeves as director last week.

Ever since it was announced that Ben Affleck would no longer direct The Batman for Warner Bros., a move that took just about everyone by surprise, the project has been the subject of numerous rumors, and most of them, not so positive. Thankfully, the tides seemed to turn in the film’s favor when Warner Bros. finally broke the silence and announced Matt Reeves as director last week.

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The Dawn of the Planet of the Apes helmer was a lot of people’s first pick to replace Affleck and overall, the reaction to him coming on board seemed to be pretty positive. We’d also heard that both the studio and Ben were happy with the script and for a while there, it seemed like everything was back on track. That is, until now.

On the latest episode of Collider Movie Talk, John Campea dropped a bombshell when he announced that not one, not two but three different sources told him that Affleck is no longer interested in playing the Dark Knight and is looking to get out of the role. He advises us to take this all with a grain of salt, but here’s what he revealed:

I’ve talked to three separate people, both in one way or another connected in some way to what’s going on at Warner Bros. What all three have told me was that — nothing about whether the script was thrown out or whether they liked the script, nothing about the direction Matt Reeves it taking it, none of that — but one of the things that has come out of the conversation with all three is this.

They’re telling me that Ben Affleck, make no mistake, he does want out. He doesn’t want to to be Batman anymore, is what I was told. Affleck is talking with Warner Bros in an attempt to get out of being Batman. And that if they do not let him out of being Batman, the standalone Batman film that ultimately happens will be the last time we see Affleck as Batman.

Nothing’s been made official just yet, but the actor clearly won’t be staying on as the iconic superhero for much longer. We imagine that he’ll probably at least remain in place for The Batman before he steps down, but who knows? Either way, if true, this would be a massive setback for the DC Extended Universe and could very well put an end to it. It’s not the first time we’re hearing of Affleck not wanting to play the character anymore, either, so we’re inclined to believe what Campea says.

Given all the pressure and media frenzy surrounding the role, we don’t exactly blame Ben for wanting out, but still, we’d be shocked if he actually left at this stage in the game. Whether or not Warner Bros. would simply recast or continue their DCEU without the Caped Crusader remains to be seen, but regardless, this is not good news for anyone and will no doubt have fans very worried.

Tell us, do you think Ben Affleck will actually pull the trigger and leave The Batman? Sound off in the usual place with your thoughts!