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Nintendo’s Commitment To Mobile Gaming Looks Set To Continue Throughout 2017

Last year marked a huge diversion from the norm for Nintendo. Not only did the company develop and release one of its first ever mobile-only games for Apple's iOS platform, but it also utilized an instantly recognizable icon - Mario - to be the poster child, the first time the mustachioed Italian plumber has ever appeared in a major title not released on a Nintendo-owned platform. Indeed, Super Mario Run - despite it not having seen download figures translate into as many sales as the Japanese company had perhaps hoped - has been a successful first foray into mobile gaming for the Big N, but it doesn't plan to stop there.

Last year marked a huge diversion from the norm for Nintendo. Not only did the company develop and release one of its first ever mobile-only games for Apple’s iOS platform, but it also utilized an instantly recognizable icon – Mario – to be the poster child, the first time the mustachioed Italian plumber has ever appeared in a major title not released on a Nintendo-owned platform. Indeed, Super Mario Run – despite it not having seen download figures translate into as many sales as the Japanese company had perhaps hoped – has been a successful first foray into mobile gaming for the Big N, but it doesn’t plan to stop there.

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As per a recent Q&A session for investors (via IGN) Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima said “we plan to continue releasing two to three titles per year that consumers can enjoy as Nintendo’s smart-device applications,” his comments no doubt instantly opening the door for speculation as to which franchises could be making the jump to mobile in the future.

We already know, of course, that a mobile Animal Crossing title is currently in the works, although delays have seen it get pushed back from its original 2016 release date to some point this year, and that, along with the recently released Fire Emblem Heroes already makes two titles, so what could the third be? Only speculation is possible at this point, but anything Metroid, Kirby or Donkey Kong related would likely go down a treat with Ninty fans. We’ll just have to wait and see what the future brings, but it’s interesting to see Nintendo step out of its comfort zone and try its hand at new things, even if they don’t always turn out to be a success.

For those that prefer to consume their Nintendo games in the comfort of their own home, rest assured – you haven’t been forgotten about. The home console follow-up to the Wii U – Nintendo Switch – launches March 3 . See here for all the fine details.