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Bruno Redondo Boards Injustice 2 Comic As It Finally Gets A Release Date

When Injustice: Gods Among Us arrived on the scene several years ago, it not only astonished video game lovers with its Mortal Kombat inspired gameplay that came courtesy of NetherRealm Studios, but it also provided a fresh alternative to the usual Justice League stories one would expect to find in comics.

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When Injustice: Gods Among Us arrived on the scene several years ago, it not only astonished video game lovers with its Mortal Kombat inspired gameplay that came courtesy of NetherRealm Studios, but it also provided a fresh alternative to the usual Justice League stories one would expect to find in comics.

What perhaps nobody foresaw was the tie-in series set five years before the events of the first game being received so well that it spawned four follow-ups that completely filled in the blanks, and now said first game is currently receiving an adaptation of its own told from Harley Quinn’s point of view in the form of Injustice: Ground Zero. But, if you’re looking for a true breath of fresh air, you won’t want to miss the upcoming Injustice 2 series.

As you may have guessed, this particular tie-in will bridge that gap between the first game and the second, which is most welcome because the recently released trailer is still somewhat cryptic when it comes to actually divulging plot points.

Joining Tom Taylor, who will be handling writing duties yet again, is returning artist Bruno Redondo, who will provide both covers and interiors on a regular basis, and had this to say about his upcoming endeavor:

“Returning to Injustice and working with Tom again feels like a homecoming. Much of the work I’m most proud of is what Tom and I did during the first comic and it feels great to come back. Tom is one of my favorite writers and one that I enjoy working with the most. We have a similar understanding of the characters, the drama and the humor, which I think helped make the first series so successful. Working in the Injustice universe allows us to do so many things we’re unable to do in any other comic and I can’t wait for fans to see what we have in store for Injustice 2.”

Aside from Redondo, expect Juan Albarran, Daniel Sempere and Mike Miller to contribute interiors here and there as well.

The first digital chapter of Injustice 2 will arrive on April 11, with subsequent installments following on a weekly basis. But if floppy copies are your thing, know that twice-monthly print periodicals are to begin shipping sometime in May.