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Adam Driver Calls Star Wars: Episode VIII Remarkable

Actors hyping up their own films is nothing new, or out of the ordinary, but it's still always nice to hear, especially when it's for one of the biggest releases of next year. Not that Star Wars: Episode VIII needs anymore hype, mind you. With The Force Awakens being an absolute juggernaut at the box office and beloved by fans, and Rogue One performing extremely well, too, Disney is certainly being looked upon favorably by moviegoers who are eager to eat up anything and everything Star Wars related.

Actors hyping up their own films is nothing new, or out of the ordinary, but it’s still always nice to hear, especially when it’s for one of the biggest releases of next year. Not that Star Wars: Episode VIII needs anymore hype, mind you. With The Force Awakens proving to be an absolute juggernaut at the box office and beloved by fans, and Rogue One performing extremely well, too, Disney is certainly being looked upon favorably by moviegoers who are eager to eat up anything and everything Star Wars related.

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Behind the camera for the next chapter in the saga is Rian Johnson, who just earlier today took to Twitter to defend the prequel films. Whether you agree with him or not on his stance in regards to those much maligned movies, there’s no denying that Johnson’s an exciting talent and according to his cast, he’s cooked up something quite special for the next numbered sequel in the franchise.

Speaking to The Daily Beast to promote his new effort Silence, Adam Driver had nothing but good things to say about both Episode VIII‘s director and the film’s script.

“He’s a brilliant filmmaker. And he wrote the script also, and he understands the importance of ambiguity and nuance. He wrote something that I think is remarkable.”


This isn’t the first time we’ve heard praise being showered upon Johnson’s script. In fact, Driver has spoken highly of it in the past and J.J. Abrams even admitted that it’s so good that he wishes he’d directed it himself. It seems that Johnson is going to deliver in a big way then and we’re incredibly eager to see what all the hype is about.

Unfortunately, it may be some time before we get to lay eyes on the first bit of footage. From what we’ve heard, the trailer won’t arrive until this spring, likely at Star Wars Celebration. If it was up to Driver though, we wouldn’t even be getting one. Thankfully, he’s not in charge of the marketing campaign and we will be seeing a trailer, we just may have to wait a bit. And honestly, we’re quite alright with that.

Rogue One is clearly Disney’s focus right now and given how well it’s doing, that’s where their focus should stay for the immediate future. The studio will pull the lid back on Star Wars: Episode VIII when they’re good and ready to, and until then, we’ll be patiently waiting. That being said, it would be nice to get an official title some time soon, don’t you think?