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Nintendo Being Sued Over 3DS

Japanese corporation Tomita Technologies is suing Nintendo for patent infringement of the technology used in the Nintendo 3DS. The glasses-free stereoscopic 3D screen seems to have been invented by Seijiro Tomita who applied for the patent in March 2003 in New York.

Japanese corporation Tomita Technologies is suing Nintendo for patent infringement of the technology used in theĀ Nintendo 3DS. The glasses-free stereoscopic 3D screen seems to have been invented by Seijiro Tomita who applied for the patent in March 2003 in New York.

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Tomita’s patent reads: “Stereoscopic Image Picking Up and Display System Based Upon Optical Axes Cross-Point Information” and describes, “technology relating to displaying stereoscopic images on-screen for viewing with the naked eye, i.e., without utilizing glasses or other devices.”

According to the suit, Tomita was an employee at Sony for almost 30 years before quitting to work in fields of his own interest. It is also noted in the suit that Tomita’s patent has been licensed to other companies for its “importance and uniqueness.”

Tomita Technologies is asking the court to determine that Nintendo has deliberately and willingly infringed on the patent to produce the 3DS as well as payment of damages caused and court fees.

Nintendo has not commented on this issue.