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The 9 Best Superhero TV Shows Of 2016

Just as superhero cinema continues to be reign supreme at the box office, so too has television come to reflect the global interest in masked comic book heroes swooping in to save the day. Moreover, the big-screen rivalry between Marvel and DC is just as strong on the small screen, with both companies having developed an interconnected web of shows.


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Just as superhero cinema continues to be reign supreme at the box office, so too has television come to reflect the global interest in masked comic book heroes swooping in to save the day. Moreover, the big-screen rivalry between Marvel and DC is just as strong on the small screen, with both companies having developed an interconnected web of shows.

In 2016, the Marvel Cinematic Universe saw a dramatic uptick in the number of new heroes added to the same world as the Avengers, while DC’s TV “Arrowverse” brought new dimension to its roster of characters by officially bringing Supergirl into the fold. In both cases, this year was a red-letter one for superheroes on television, and fans have plenty to rejoice about.

And so, on that note, let’s take a closer look at the best superhero TV shows of 2016 and see where they rank.