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TV Talk: Supergirl 2×04 “Survivors” Review

Welcome to the latest instalment of our new video web show, TV Talk. Following hot on the heels of Geek Out, which began several weeks ago, TV Talk is another new weekly series brought to you by We Got This Covered. As the title implies, on each instalment we'll be taking a look at some of our favorite TV shows and bringing you our thoughts on them in a quick, easy to digest video.

Welcome to the latest instalment of our new video web show, TV Talk. Following hot on the heels of Geek Out, which began several weeks ago, TV Talk is another new weekly series brought to you by We Got This Covered. As the title implies, on each instalment we’ll be taking a look at some of our favorite TV shows and bringing you our thoughts on them in a quick, easy to digest video.

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Different from our written, season reviews in that TV Talk is a weekly segment, we’ll be running through the highs and lows of a new episode of a particular show each week. Currently, we’re following along with the adventures of the Girl of Steel over on Supergirl, and on this instalment of TV Talk, we take a look at the fourth episode of season 2.


In case you haven’t caught up yet, on this outing of the show, “while Hank tries to bond with Megan, Supergirl and Alex discover that a woman named Roulette is running an underground fight club using aliens as gladiators. Meanwhile, Mon-El convinces Winn to take him out for a night on the town.”

Though it did feel a bit all over the place at times in terms of plot, this was yet another enjoyable instalment of the show. In particular, Mon-El is coming off as a really well rounded character so far and we’re excited to see where the show takes him going forward.

For our full thoughts on tonight’s outing of Supergirl, check out the video above and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, as we’ll be back next week to recap episode 5, “Crossfire.”