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Performance Patch And Free Trial Now Available For Comcept’s ReCore

Action-adventure game ReCore didn't exactly get off to a great start when it launched on Xbox One and Windows 10 last month, having received almost universal criticism for featuring protracted loading times, wonky respawn mechanics and sub-par collision detection systems.

Action-adventure game ReCore didn’t exactly get off to a great start when it launched on Xbox One and Windows 10 last month, having received almost universal criticism for featuring protracted loading times, wonky respawn mechanics and sub-par collision detection systems.

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Developer Comcept swiftly came out with a statement after release, promising to improve the loading time woes “wherever possible” in a future patch. That future is now, as a patch is being rolled out today for both platforms that, Comcept says, will see you “experience decreased loading times, see audio and visual improvements, and notice improvements to issues you may have experienced with waypoints, achievement tracking, collision locations, checkpoints and respawn points.”

Assuming all of the above fixes truly are as noticeable as the developer states, ReCore should be a considerably more enjoyable experience than before. However, if you’re still not convinced, you can currently download and play the first 30 minutes of ReCore‘s campaign completely free of charge.

The free trial is available on Xbox One and Windows 10 and, if you decide to purchase the full game after your trial is up, all progress, achievements and saves will be carried over for you to continue playing.