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Sea Of Thieves Release Date Looks Likely To Have Slipped Into Early 2017

The release date for Rare's open world action-adventure game Sea Of Thieves has slipped from its original 2016 date and into 2017, Xbox marketing executive Aaron Greenberg has heavily implied in a recent video interview (via VideoGamer) with Kinda Funny. During the video, Greenberg states that the swashbuckling adventure will launch around the same time as other Xbox One exclusive titles Gears Of War 4 and Halo Wars 2, which have had their release dates set as October 11 and February 21 respectively.

Sea of Thieves

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The release date for Rare’s open world action-adventure game Sea Of Thieves has slipped from its original 2016 date and into 2017, Xbox marketing executive Aaron Greenberg has heavily implied in a recent video interview (via VideoGamer) with Kinda Funny. During the video, Greenberg states that the swashbuckling adventure will launch around the same time as other Xbox One exclusive titles Gears Of War 4 and Halo Wars 2, which have had their release dates set as October 11 and February 21 respectively.

He said that “not far after” the release of Gears Of War 4 “we get into things like Halo Wars 2 in February and then we just keep kind of cranking as we go through.” He continued:

“Sea of Thieves is coming out in that window, Scalebound, a lot more titles. This is our biggest games lineup we’ve ever had over the next year. As a first-party we will publish and release more games and more exclusives than we ever have.”

There’s every chance that Sea Of Thieves could still make a 2016 release date going by what Greenberg said, but considering that Microsoft didn’t so much as mention a launch window for the game during their E3 conference, a delay looks to be the most likely reality.

The company has yet to release any official statement in regards to the potential delay, but we’ll update this post as and when they do.