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GameStop Fuels Rumors That PS4.5 And Xbox One Slim Will Be Unveiled At E3

GameStop is confident E3 2016 will herald the unveiling of new hardware from both Sony (PlayStation 4.5) and Microsoft (Xbox One Slim).

Xbox One Slim

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High-street giant GameStop is confident E3 2016 will herald announcements for both the PlayStation 4.5 and Microsoft’s Xbox One Slim.

Word of the long-rumored, mid-generational hardware upgrades first surfaced earlier this year and since then, news has continued to snowball, with everyone from industry insiders to anonymous developers weighing in on the purported consoles.

As a matter of fact, the most recent report to emerge regarding Microsoft’s mid-gen plan reveal that the platform-holder could be prepping two different consoles SKUs; one titled the Xbox One Slim, while the other is a more powerful home device that dwarfs the current model in both processing power and hardware space.

Alas, until either Microsoft and/or Sony release an official statement to address the rumors, they should be treated as just that. That said, GameStop COO Tony Bartel stated in a recent earnings call that the retailer “expects E3 to focus on key titles in the back half of the year and console announcements. We also expect VR to generate significant gaming consumer and press interest.” It was the same call to investors that also brought word of Ready at Dawn‘s new title, which will be published via GameStop’s new publishing arm, GameStart. Look for it to be revealed at some stage next week.

In terms of the PlayStation 4.5 and Xbox One Slim, the all-but-confirmed consoles are expected to take center stage at E3 2016, and we’ll be bringing you all the news right here on We Got This Covered.