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Rumor: No Man’s Sky Delayed Until July Or August

Hello Games' highly-anticipated No Man's Sky may have been delayed by up to two months, according to a story published by Kotaku yesterday.

Touting a “universe-sized sandbox” that’s “full of choices,” Hello Games co-founder Sean Murray graced Sony’s press conference with another galaxy-hopping demo for the ambitious No Man’s Sky. As with every showing of the game, the promise of its mind-boggling scope is offset by lingering questions about what players will actually be doing while occupying it. Even if it does end up being just an incredibly huge, very pretty space sim, No Man’s Sky should have no problem attracting players eager to explore its virtually endless environments.


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Hello Games’ highly-anticipated No Man’s Sky may have been delayed by up to two months, according to a story published by Kotaku yesterday.

As claimed by a “reliable Kotaku source,” the procedurally-generated space survival game has been pushed back by at least a month, and a second source – an employee of US retailer GameStop – has corroborated the claims by way of a notice that was provided to the retailer along with marketing materials that show the current June 21 release date.

The note reads: “The release date for No Man’s Sky has changed since the provided posters were printed. Please use a coming-soon pop-on to cover up the date and communicate as needed to your guest about the change of release.”

Despite all of the above evidence suggesting that the game has slipped from its original release date, Kotaku says that neither Sony or Hello Games’ have responded to requests for comment, leaving everyone none-the-wiser as to whether the supposed delay is accurate. Likewise, neither Hello Games founder Sean Murray or Sony’s Twitter pages give any indication of a delay.

We’ll be sure to keep this post updated if either party comments on the rumor or if it’s something more, so stay tuned.