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Wesley Snipes Says Blade 4 Is A “Possibility”

It's been well over a decade since Wesley Snipes was last on screen as Blade, but the actor seems keen to reprise the role in some shape or form. Though the franchise already has 3 films under its belt, recent rumors have pointed to Marvel taking the half-vampire vampire hunter to television next. However, it would be foolish to rule out a return to the big screen just yet, as Snipes recently took to Twitter to tell us that a fourth Blade movie is still a "possibility."



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It’s been well over a decade since Wesley Snipes was last on screen as Blade, but the actor seems keen to reprise the role in some shape or form. Though the franchise already has 3 films under its belt, recent rumors have pointed to Marvel taking the vampire hunter to television next. However, it would be foolish to rule out a return to the big screen just yet, as Snipes recently took to Twitter to tell us that a fourth Blade movie is still a “possibility.”

We know that Marvel is open to having the character make a return in some way, but at this point, we just don’t have any confirmation on whether it will be through film or television. Nor do we know when we can expect to see him or even if it will be Snipes in the role.

Truth be told, as great as another Blade film would be, Netflix is probably the best place for the character, given that it houses Marvel’s darker and more gritty properties, like Daredevil and Jessica Jones. It would also be easier to re-introduce him to viewers who may not be familiar with the franchise if the studio went the small screen route.

Tell us, do you want to see more of Blade? If so, should he return via television or film? Sound off below and let us know!