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Capcom Has Three Major Games In The Works, All Are Due To Release Before April 2017

A slide presentation published on Capcom's Investor Relations website earlier today has revealed that the studio has three major titles in development, all of which are due to release before April 2017. The chart in question (via VideoGamer) can be seen below.



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A slide presentation published on Capcom‘s Investor Relations website earlier today has revealed that the studio has three major titles in development, all of which are due to release before April 2017. The chart in question (via VideoGamer) can be seen below.


The first game – a currently unannounced Monster Hunter sequel – is the only one mentioned by name, and is expected to sell around 2 million units. Considering how popular the series is both in Japan and in the West, the number seems reasonable, but it’s still only half of the projected sales of the second ‘MajorTitle 1’ listed below it.

The huge 4 million number suggests that there’s already an established audience for whatever the IP is, perhaps indicating that the rumoured Resident Evil 7 isn’t too far away. Another possibility is the Resident Evil 2 Remake, but having been officially revealed already, it’s unlikely to be the title in question.

‘MajorTitle 2’ is expected to sell the same volume of units as the new Monster Hunter, suggesting that it, too, is an already established IP. Considering how large Capcom‘s pool of existing franchises is though, it could be almost anything.

It’s not outside the realms of possibility that both games will be revealed at this year’s E3, but what do you think (and hope) the two projects are? Let us know your suspicions in the comments below.