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Beautiful New Street Fighter X Tekken Gameplay Videos

Salivating at the mouth over what you've seen from Street Fighter X Tekken thus far? Well, we're not going to help you by showing these, but that's okay. Sorry for making the anticipation worse, but Capcom has released two lengthy E3 gameplay videos for its upcoming versus fighter.

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Salivating at the mouth over what you’ve seen from Street Fighter X Tekken thus far? Well, we’re not going to help you by showing these, but that’s okay. Sorry for making the anticipation worse, but Capcom has released two lengthy E3 gameplay videos for its upcoming versus fighter.

The game will ship with new mechanics that will allow you to choose whether you’d like to fight with Street Fighter controls, or Tekken’s controls. It’s a great option that should please both camps. Check out the gorgeous videos below and try not to let your jaw drop.