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Possible Description For Upcoming Captain America: Civil War Trailer

It's certainly a bit odd that we haven't seen anything in the way of official promotional material for Marvel's Captain America: Civil War, considering that it's set to hit theatres on May 6th, 2016. Apparently, the studio is getting ready to kick the marketing machine into gear though, and rumor has it that the first trailer will be attached to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which makes perfect sense.


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It’s certainly a bit odd that we haven’t seen anything in the way of official promotional material for Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War, considering that it’s set to hit theatres on May 6th, 2016, but thankfully, the studio is starting to get ready to kick the marketing machine into gear. After all, rumor has it that the first trailer will be attached to Star Wars: The Force Awakens, which makes perfect sense.

Now, adding fuel to that rumor is a description of said trailer that comes to us courtesy of Reddit user WatsUpWithJoe, who says he caught the footage at a private Q&A with Joe and Anthony Russo, the directors of the film.


According to him, here’s what the trailer contains:

“This is a description of the FULL trailer that will be attached to Star Wars. If you want to stay surprised, don’t read it. OBVIOUS SPOILER WARNING!


We get our first look at Falcon using red wing, a drone, tracking an armored vehicle. It uses X-ray vision to look at the vehicle suspension and internals. Pretty badass. Once determining thy vehicle is the one their after, Flacon dives off a building and goes soaring towards it. Black Window runs through the streets and an alley to cut off the vehicle if Flacon can’t make it. Then we get our first look at Crossbones in his suit and in action in a massive action-packed set piece that looks great. Crossbones throws a magnetic bomb that attaches to Caps shield. Cap loses the shield and is forced into a hand to hand brawl. “Remember me? You dropped a building on my face!” Crossbones mentions he might know where Bucky is. Falcon is also caught up in the brawl. He is shot at, but deflects the bullets with his wings. They seem to be much stronger than in Winter Soldier, possibly vibranium.

A brief glimpse of Vision sitting in an arm chair wearing a black suit and tie. Brief glimpse of Black Panther fighting Cap. He has retractable vibranium claws in his suit, which looks fantastic on screen! Brief glimpse at Tony Stark, looking bruised and scraped, suiting up in Iron Man armor that seems to be a bit bulkier. Brief glimpse of Martin Freeman from behind with some voice over. Then a shot of Steve Rodgers holding onto a helicopter with one hand and a landing pad with the other, attempting to prevent the helicopter from taking off with all of his might (and massive biceps).

We see more of the Ant-Man post credits scene, Cap asks Bucky “Do you know who I am?” Bucky smirks and recalls a story from their childhood, revealing that he’s regained his memory and ready to fight with Cap. General Ross speaks to a group of officials, either congress or some other world security council. He seems to look pretty worn out, he’s lost a LOT of weight! Sam Wilson, Steve Rodgers and Wanda Maximoff are standing outside a van.

Wilson says something about “Our new recruit.” The van door slides open to reveal Scott Lang sprawled across the back seat. He fan boys over meeting Cap, “You know so many super powered people, thinks for thanking of me… Thanks for thinking of me… I’m still shaking your hand.” He lets go and after a moment pats Cap’s bulky chest and says “wow.” Finally, we see two lines form, team Cap and Team Ironman, ready to charge at each other. Hawkeye pins Black Widow to the ground “Are we still friends?” “Depends on how hard you hit me.” Cut to title: CIVIL WAR!”

Of course, this is in no way confirmed by Marvel, and is just a rumor for now. It does, however, sound somewhat similar to that footage shown back in August at D23, so who knows. This could very well be accurate, and if it is, then you can definitely color us intrigued.

Regardless, hype is no doubt at an all-time high for the film’s first trailer, and as soon as we have more information on it, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Captain America: Civil War will march into theatres on May 6th, 2016.