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Watch Rico Rodriguez Shoot And Sail His Way Across The Mediterranean In Just Cause 3 Story Trailer

Avalanche Studios and publisher Square Enix may have doubled down on the high-octane action and sheer sense of fun in Just Cause 3 up until this point, but today the studio has ushered the threequel's story trailer onto the interwebs, allowing you to gain a sense of Rico Rodriguez's plight as he sets about toppling a totalitarian regime.

Avalanche Studios and publisher Square Enix may have doubled down on the high-octane action and sheer sense of fun in Just Cause 3 up until this point, but today the studio has ushered the threequel’s story trailer onto the interwebs, allowing you to gain a sense of Rico Rodriguez’s plight as he sets about toppling a totalitarian regime.

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Taking place all along the sun-kissed Mediterranean republic of Medici, Avalanche’s bombastic sequel will have players set their crosshairs on one General Di Ravello, a leader and self-proclaimed messiah who rules over the tropical paradise with an iron fist. Holding the entire island and its people in the palm of his hands, Di Ravello’s rule is absolute – that is, until Rico sails in to crash the party.

Banging the drum for independence, it’s here that our grizzled protagonist makes it his mission to liberate Medici and its surrounding islands. Bringing an end to Ravello’s reign by any means necessary, the story looks to be a bona fide thrill ride, packing in enough cinematic action to outdo even a Michael Bay film, all the while leaving the general laws of physics at the door. Beyond that, the voice acting and performance capture is promising, too, and we’re excited to see how Just Cause 3 pans out when it touches down at the beginning of December.

As the first entry into the franchise in close to 5 years, the launch of the threequel will be a true test of the series’ staying power, though all signs are so far pointing to a successful, gleefully over-the-top actioner.

There will be trouble in paradise when Just Cause 3 blasts onto PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on December 1.