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Lara Braves The Wilderness In Extended Rise Of The Tomb Raider Gameplay

Marking the beginning of a new video series in anticipation of the sequel's release, developer Crystal Dynamics has debuted a new and extended gameplay trailer for Rise of the Tomb Raider that pits Lara against the wilderness.

Marking the beginning of a new video series in anticipation of the sequel’s release, developer Crystal Dynamics has debuted a new and extended gameplay trailer for Rise of the Tomb Raider that pits Lara against the wilderness.

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As the narrator notes, our weathered heroine will find herself cast astray toward the beginning of the studio’s action-adventure follow-up, braving a fierce blizzard only to find herself thrust into the thick of the Siberian outback with no food or supplies. And so, players will be forced to call upon Miss. Croft’s survival skills, as she tip-toes around forebodingĀ predators while trying to locate some prey of her own.


It’s here that Crystal shines a spotlight on the environmental design and gameplay mechanics one can expect come November 10 – providing you own an Xbox system – and it aligns with Lara’s trajectory from naiveĀ archaeologist in the studio’s 2013 reboot to the bona fide raider of tombs we know and love. Perhaps most tantalizing of all is the expanded progression system included in Rise of the Tomb Raider. No longer will players be confined to one bow; instead, you’ll be able to customize various elements of your arsenal and even discover bows specifically designed for a particular task – toppling a rampaging brown bear, for instance.

As per Microsoft’s exclusivity partnership with Crystal, Rise of the Tomb Raider will make its bow across Xbox One and Xbox 360 on November 10, before arriving on PC in early 2016 and PlayStation platforms later that year.