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Garrett Hedlund Says Tron 3 May Not Be Dead After All

Despite reports that Disney had pulled the plug on the movie, Garrett Hedlund says that Tron 3 could still happen. He's just not sure when.


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Earlier this year, it was revealed that Tron 3 was set to begin production this Fall. The news came out of nowhere and made fans of the franchise extremely happy, but if it seemed too good to be true, and that’s because it was. Disney pulled the plug on the threequel likely because Tomorrowland was a financial disappointment for them and Tron: Legacy received a tepid response both critically and commercially back in 2010.

However, could there still be hope for Tron 3? In an interview to promote Pan, Garrett Hedlund revealed that the project could still happen.

“I haven’t been told it’s totally dead. Ever since we did Legacy, we knew that to have another story follow it up, it had to be concrete and exciting. Disney needed to have the right story to go forward. I think it was going to introduce some things that were as exciting as Legacy was and then some, though. Who knows, maybe it’ll be like Legacy was to the first Tron, it’ll be 30 years, and I’ll have my young Flynn CGI face, who knows? But they could do it anytime from now, and I would of course jump back in. Something like that could be quite fun, though!”

These comments match up with reports that Disney and Joseph Kosinski are still looking for the right story and won’t move ahead until they can find something which works on a modest enough budget to ensure that the film won’t be another financial disappointment. In all honesty though, it’s probably best not to get your hopes up that Tron 3 is ever going to happen. It’s just not looking too likely at this stage.

Still, it’s nice to know that there’s at least a chance that it could one day come to fruition.