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Exclusive Video Interview: Kevin Bacon And Jon Watts Talk Cop Car

Jon Watts’ Cop Car follows two young boys who stumble across an abandoned police car hidden in the woods and decide to take it for a joyride. But when the car’s owner, Sheriff Kretzer (Kevin Bacon), discovers it’s missing, he becomes relentless in recovering it as there’s something in the trunk that is of much value to him.

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After receiving a tremendously positive reception at Sundance, the film has finally made its way to theatres, releasing this Friday to solid reviews. Our very own Isaac Feldberg called it “lean, mean and startlingly effective,” a sentiment that I wholeheartedly agree with.

Last week, we had the chance to speak with both Watts and Bacon while they were in Los Angeles recently to promote Cop Car. Watts talked about how this movie was inspired by the classics of his youth and how shooting it in his hometown proved to be a major advantage for him. As for Bacon, he discussed what influenced his performance and how he managed to keep this sheriff such an unpredictable character from start to finish.

Check out the interview above and be sure to catch Cop Car as it’s now in theatres!