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Ubisoft Exploring New Adventures In Child Of Light Universe

It won't be long before players are setting foot in the mystical realm of Lemuria once more, if a Tweet by Ubisoft is to be believed.


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It won’t be long before players are setting foot in the mystical realm of Lemuria once more, if a Tweet by Ubisoft is to be believed.

That’s according to the company’s Patrick Plourde, Creative Director on Far Cry 3 and the driving force behind last year’s wondrous RPG, Child of Light, who revealed via Twitter that Ubisoft is working on more adventures set within Aurora’s serene universe.

Common sense would peg this nebulous tease as a confirmation of a direct sequel, though going off of Plourde’s comments, a potential spinoff set within the same world seems highly likely as well. Whether it adheres to the lore established thus far or breaks new ground, one thing that is certain is that gameplay will be moulded around the familiar, Metroidvania-styled framework.

Since release, Ubisoft has trumpeted Child of Light as a financial success, claiming that the low-key title went on to sell “plenty” of copies. Beyond that, Plourde’s passion project garnered a significant amount of praise for its intriguing gameplay set-up, mixing the concept of active timed battles to create a combat system that was as engaging as it was satisfying. Couple this with the idyllic aesthetic and you have an ode to JRPGs that not only proved the genre’s popularity among western audiences, but may have now spun out a potential franchise for Ubisoft to build upon.

We’ll keep you updated on news pertaining to this potential Child of Light sequel as we learn more.