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World War Z Writer Set To Start Fresh For Sequel With “Clean Slate”

Throughout the course of development, it seemed as though Marc Forester's big-screen adaptation of World War Z was doomed for failure. Last-minute script changes, creative clashes, not to mention extensive reshoots cultivated a scenario as foreboding and seemingly insurmountable as the zombie apocalypse itself (well, sort of). Fast forward to the present day, however, and after amassing a staggering, wholly surprising $500 million at the global box office, you have a film that has defied the odds, and a sequel that hopes to do one better.


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Throughout the course of development, it seemed as though Marc Forester’s big-screen adaptation of World War Z was doomed for failure. Last-minute script changes, creative clashes, not to mention extensive reshoots cultivated a scenario as foreboding and seemingly insurmountable as the zombie apocalypse itself (well, sort of). Fast forward to the present day, however, and after amassing a staggering, wholly surprising $500 million at the global box office, you have a film that has defied the odds, and a sequel that hopes to do one better.

Or, rather, approach the same subject matter — Max Brook’s excellent, eponymous novel — from a different perspective. Granted, it’s an unusual tactic for a sequel to employ, but it’s one that writer Stephen Knight is angling for the World War Z sequel. In an interview with Indiewire, the Oscar-nominated scribe revealed the tidbit:

“I thought, why not? What fun,” says Knight of his decision to accept the gig penning a blockbuster zombie sequel. “It’s not quite like the other. We’re starting with a clean slate. When [the studio and Brad Pitt’s Plan B production company] have signed off, we’re on!”

Knight will be providing the revisionist script to The Impossible‘s Juan Antonio Bayona, who signed on to helm the flesh-eating follow-up late last year. Judging on his comments, it appears as though the sequel will chart a new journey in the post-apocalyptic world, starting fresh with new characters, plot points and likely more product placement (we’re looking at you, Pepsi).

Nevertheless, those who have read Brook’s oral history of the global pandemic will know that the book is comprised of a series of different perspectives, much like an anthology. Mind you, it’s unlikely that the sequel will be able to attract a similar audience to that of its predecessor without Brad Pitt in a lead role.

Currently, the World War Z sequel is on course to begin filming this October ahead of a release in 2016.