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#IDARB Will Score A Goal On Games With Gold This February

Although we've yet to find out which Xbox 360 and Xbox One games will be free in January as part of Microsoft's Games With Gold promotion, it's been confirmed that quirky #IDARB will be one such freebie when it releases in February.

Although we’ve yet to find out which Xbox 360 and Xbox One games will be free in January as part of Microsoft’s Games With Gold promotion, it’s been confirmed that the quirky #IDARB will be one such freebie when it releases in February.

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Shortened from It Draws a Red Box to #IDARB, Other Ocean Interactive’s latest is a fast, colourful and wholly frenetic sports game that resembles a combination of hockey, basketball and retro gaming. It’s really something you’ll need to see to believe (and understand, although that may only come from going hands-on with the game), and exists as one of the console’s more curious upcoming titles. Of course, it’s an ID@Xbox indie game, which explains a lot.

“We’re big fans of #IDARB and we’re stoked Other Ocean is previewing the game early for fans,” said ID@Xbox Director Chris Charla. “We’re excited to bring it to Xbox One free to everyone with Xbox Live Gold in February.”

If you’re itching to play #IDARB prior to February, you may be in luck. Those who aided Other Ocean, by providing feedback at events, sending helpful tweets over Twitter, or by making sprites on the game’s website will be entered into a giveaway that will see some lucky gamers walking away with a preview code one and a half months prior to release.

Stay tuned to @IDARBGame, IDARB.com and the game’s Twitch streams for more information.