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Arrested Development Movie And Season 5 Are Coming…Eventually

The Bluth family will return. This was confirmed by Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos in a recent interview with USA Today, where he stated that he was “positive” that Arrested Development would continue on Netflix. Though fans can finally rejoice, they shouldn't be booking days off from work to binge-watch the series just yet. While Sarandos established that the show would return, he doesn't exactly know when, noting that “it’s just a matter of when,” saying that the actors’ busy schedules have become an issue.


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The Bluth family will return. This was confirmed by Netflix chief content officer Ted Sarandos in a recent interview with USA Today, where he stated that he was “positive” that Arrested Development would continue on Netflix.

Though fans can finally rejoice, they shouldn’t be booking days off from work to binge-watch the series just yet. While Sarandos established that the show would return, he didn’t give a firm timeframe, noting that “it’s just a matter of when” and saying that the busy schedules of the cast have become an issue.

Viewers of the last season will have noticed that there were not too many scenes featuring the entire Bluth family on screen together. The show took some criticism for this, and plans to wait until all the actors have time to work together before bringing the cast back. Showrunner Mitch Hurwitz has acknowledged the fact that this is an issue and has reached a solution that will surely please fans.

In an interview with Rolling Stone last year, he stated:

I’m working on the movie right now. I can’t get into much more detail because I don’t want to scare anybody off. I don’t want to be presumptuous about it. I don’t own the property outright – it’s a 20th Century Fox property. But everybody seems really into it and really eager to make a movie.

There’s no green light for the film yet, but Hurwitz seems confident that it’s going to happen. He explained why making the movie would be easier than doing another season, saying:

A TV season is a six-month commitment. But I think it would be very doable to get them together for four or five weeks to make a movie.

At this point, it looks like we definitely won’t be seeing any more Arrested Development until the end of 2015 at the earliest, but just knowing that we will eventually have the Bluth family back together on screen is definitely reassuring.