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Conan The Barbarian Trailer

We haven't seen much footage from Conan The Barbarian and because of that, it hasn't really been on many people's radars. Buzz has been low on director Marcus Nispel's upcoming film and I for one haven't really given it too much attention. That changes today though as Yahoo! has released the first trailer for the film and it actually looks pretty cool.

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We haven’t seen much footage from Conan The Barbarian and because of that, it hasn’t really been on many people’s radars. Buzz has been low on director Marcus Nispel‘s upcoming film and I for one haven’t really given it too much attention. That changes today though as Yahoo! has released the first trailer for the film and it actually looks pretty cool.

The gritty violence and impressive production design immediately stand out and Jason Momoa looks like he’s really pulling off the character. As of today this one is definitley on my radar and August 19th can’t come soon enough. Don’t believe me? See for yourself below.

[Sorry, this video is currently unavailable]