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The Cast Inside The Strain: The Box (Episode 2)

This week's episode of The Strain continues to ride off the coattails of the impressive pilot, but does it keep up the exciting and terrifying pace? Join The Cast Inside the Strain to find out, as Dustin and I talk through each and every scene in this week's episode, The Box.

The Cast Inside The Strain (1)_0

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This week’s episode of The Strain continues to ride off the coattails of the impressive pilot, but does it keep up the exciting and terrifying pace? Join The Cast Inside the Strain to find out, as Dustin and I talk through each and every scene in this week’s episode, The Box.

We start things off by discussing Guillermo del Toro’s career and examine some of his best movies before we pick a couple of favorites of our own. Do we go with the fun loving Kaiju fighting flick, or should we stick with the more sophisticated and challenging tale of Pan’s Labrynth? He’s created vampires, demons, and giant fighting robots, and we can’t help but compare his exceptional films to his touches on this week’s episode of The Strain.

Speaking of FX’s hit show, The Box puts the brakes on this week as it sidesteps the major plot advancements to focus instead on who these caricatured CDC investors are. Ephraim Goodweather gets on the right track by delivering the AA speech of the year, while our good old buddy Abraham (AKA Mr. Filch) has a face to face with an age old acquaintance. It’s without a doubt an episode packed with melodrama and suspense, and you won’t want to miss even a second of the neck biting action.

Check out the latest episode of The Cast Inside The Strain below and let us know your thoughts on in the comments section.

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