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Samuel L. Jackson Says Frozone Will Return For The Incredibles 2

Despite our misgivings about Pixar moving farther into sequel territory rather than focusing on new and original ideas, we couldn't help but get excited about the news that the animation studio is finally making a follow up to The Incredibles. Fans have been hoping (read: begging) for a sequel since the first film hit theaters in 2005, and director Brad Bird has always expressed interest in making one, as long as a great idea struck him.


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Despite our misgivings about Pixar moving farther into sequel territory rather than focusing on new and original ideas, we couldn’t help but get excited about the news that the animation studio is finally making a follow up to The Incredibles. Fans have been hoping (read: begging) for a sequel since the first film hit theaters in 2005, and director Brad Bird has always expressed interest in making one, as long as a great idea struck him.

Luckily for us, that idea must have struck because the film is now in active development. We still don’t know how far along that development may be, or when we can expect to see the finished product, but it’s exciting news nonetheless. We do know that Bird is currently working on the script, and though he’s not confirmed to direct, chances are good that he’ll be back. He’s currently doing post-production on his upcoming live action sci-fi/fantasy film Tomorrowland, so hopefully he jumps on board for The Incredibles 2 once that’s done.

We still have a while to go before any official details emerge about the project, but we do have word from Samuel L. Jackson, who starred as Lucius Best, AKA Frozone in the first film, that he’ll be back for more. Speaking with Digital Spy during his promotional tour for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, he said:

“Every time I run into Brad [Bird, director] he always tells me Frozone is part of what’s going on [in the sequel], so I have to believe that. I guess they could be the Incredibles without Frozone, but I think Frozone would be a wonderful addition to what’s already there. I’m just looking forward to seeing what Jack-Jack turned into.”

That’s an excellent point, Mr. Jackson! When we last saw Jack-Jack, he was still an infant but was revealed to have a host of abilities that seemed to include shape shifting, teleportation, shooting lasers from his eyes, bursting into flames, floating, turning his body into steel, and transforming into a monster. So, needless to say, it should be very interesting to see what’s become of him. Will the film take after Toy Story 3 and pick up in real time after its predecessor? Or will Bird choose a more specific gap between the films? Alas, only time will tell.

Tell us, who would you like to see return in The Incredibles 2? Sound off in the comments below!