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Lindsay Lohan Will Play Kim Gotti In Gotti biopic

Lindsay Lohan will definitely play the role of Kim Gotti in Fiore Films’ Gotti: Three Generations. Lohan has been making headlines of late with her on again/off again flirtation with the role of John Gotti’s daughter Victoria. First she was on, then off, then back on but in the role of Kim Gotti, John Gotti Jr.’s wife. According to The Hollywood Reporter, it’s official; Lohan will join the cast that already includes heavyweights John Travolta and Joe Pesci.

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Lindsay Lohan will definitely play the role of Kim Gotti in Fiore Films’ Gotti: Three Generations. Lohan has been making headlines of late with her on again/off again flirtation with the role of John Gotti’s daughter Victoria. First she was on, then off, then back on but in the role of Kim Gotti, John Gotti Jr.’s wife. According to The Hollywood Reporter, it’s official; Lohan will join the cast that already includes heavyweights John Travolta and Joe Pesci.

Lohan seems to be a risky commodity these days, as her private life tends to get in the way of her professional life. Now that she has been taken back into the fold of this indie Gotti biopic, she reportedly told the Associated Press, “I’m really excited to be back on set and clear up all the misinterpretations about me and show this is what I love to do. I think it’s such an iconic story. I’m honored to be working with John Travolta and Joe Pesci.”

Why anyone feels that Gotti’s life needs to be made into a movie I simply don’t know. According to Deadline, this is one of the first movie versions of Gotti’s life that has his son, John Gotti Jr., acting as a consultant. It will show Gotti as an iconic figure of American history. Sounds to me like they’re going to sanitize him and set him up as some sort of hero. In reality Gotti was a ruthless mob boss and head of the largest crime family in New York at one time, and was finally sent to prison for murder, conspiracy to commit murder, racketeering, loansharking, tax evasion, and extortion. What a guy.

Producer Marc Fiore, of Fiore Films, said that the role of John Gotti Jr. will be cast within the next week or two. Travolta is set to play the infamous gangster Gotti himself. Pesci is onboard to play Angelo Ruggiero (and can you imagine a gangster or mobster movie without him?). Nick Cassavetes was set to direct Gotti: Three Generations, but had to drop out to due to a scheduling conflict. Another director has yet to be attached to the project, which is set to start filming this fall for a 2012 release.