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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Collector’s Edition Detailed

The long awaited sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time is finally on it's and to celebrate, the "very limited" Collector's Edition of Deus Ex: Human Revolution has been revealed. Before you get all excited, keep in mind this is only for "Select European countries", Australia and New Zealand. This Collector's Edition will not be coming to U.S. or Canada. For gamers on this side of the pond, we get the less impressive Augmented Edition. Some items will cross over between the two versions but the Collector's Edition is the definitive package. Here's what it will include.

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The long awaited sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time is finally on it’s and to celebrate, the “very limited” Collector’s Edition of Deus Ex: Human Revolution has been revealed. Before you get all excited, keep in mind this is only for “Select European countries”, Australia and New Zealand. This Collector’s Edition will not be coming to U.S. or Canada. For gamers on this side of the pond, we get the less impressive Augmented Edition. Some items will cross over between the two versions but the Collector’s Edition is the definitive package. Here’s what it will include:

  • DVD with a 44-minute “making of” special, a motion-comic, E3 trailer and animated storyboard
  • 40-page art book
  • Seemingly all pre-order bonus DLC, such as the Explosive Mission Pack and all the weapon DLC (Automatic Unlocking Device, M-28 Utility Remote-Detonated Explosive Device (UR-DED), Linebacker G-87 multiple shot grenade launcher, Huntsman Silverback Double-Barrel Shotgun, SERSR Longsword Whisperhead silenced sniper rifle)
  • 10,000 credits to buy or upgrade your stuff
  • Adam Jensen action figure designed by Play Arts Kai

The Collector’s Edition is priced at 100 euro on Amazon.de. The site also lists the Augmented Edition at 70 euro so if you live in Europe and are considering which to buy, you are basically paying an extra 30 euro for the action figure and the DLC. Also just in case you’re wondering, the Augmented Edition for us in the U.S. and Canada is selling on Amazon.com for $68.99 for consoles and $57.99 for PC.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution will be releasing on August 23rd, 2011.