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New 300: Rise Of An Empire Posters Make Intense Demands

Stop whatever you are doing and SEIZE YOUR GLORY! I do not know what will happen if you don't SEIZE YOUR GLORY right now, but it will probably be bloody and in slow motion. At least, that's the impression that I get from the latest posters advertising Noam Murro's 300: Rise of An Empire, which feature that intense tagline and an angry Greek spraying blood everywhere.


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Stop whatever you are doing and SEIZE YOUR GLORY! I do not know what will happen if you don’t SEIZE YOUR GLORY right now, but it will probably be bloody and in slow motion. At least, that’s the impression that I get from the latest posters advertising Noam Murro’s 300: Rise of An Empire, which feature that intense tagline and an angry Greek spraying blood everywhere.

But just what glory are we seizing here? 300: Rise of An Empire picks up (sort of) where 300 left off, running semi-concurrent with the epic but wholly disastrous Battle of Thermopylae where almost everyone died. Led by god-king/snazzy dresser Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), the Persians are all pumped to properly invade Greece now that that pesky King Leonidas is out of the way. Athenian General Themistocles (Sullivan Stapleton) has other ideas, however, and plans to unite Greece in an attempt to fight off Xerxes and his ninjas (or whatever those guys in the masks are supposed to be). This time the Persians are coming by sea, led the commander of the Persian navy Artemesia (Eva Green). It looks like we’re going to add a healthy dose of water action to the usual bloodletting.

The latest posters promise that glory will be seized, and doing so liberate Greece from the Persians and a lot of blood from its veins. Featuring Themistocles and his biceps, there is nothing not to love here, unless you don’t love blood and biceps. If the trailers were not enough to convince you that 300: Rise of An Empire is going to be every bit as violent, senseless, and testosterone-fueled as its predecessor, then these posters remove all doubt.

You can check out the new pieces of artwork below and then let us know just HOW PUMPED YOU ARE for 300: Rise of An Empirin the comments section. Glory. Seize it.

Xerxes invades (in 3D!) on March 17, 2014. Time to start practicing your war cries.