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Watch 11 Minutes Of Martin Scorsese Directing The Wolf of Wall Street

December 25th is not only Christmas Day, it's also the release date of Martin Scorsese's The Wolf of Wall Street. The film has had a relatively tumultuous time during the editing process, but it is finally ready for theatres. To whet our appetites for some good-old fashioned financial crime, Paramount has given us a couple of behind-the-scenes clips to enjoy today, which feature some B-roll footage from the film.


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December 25th is not only Christmas Day, it’s also the release date of Martin Scorsese’s The Wolf of Wall Street. The film has had a relatively tumultuous time during the editing process, but it is finally ready for theatres. To whet our appetites for some good-old fashioned financial crime, Paramount has given us a couple of behind-the-scenes clips to enjoy today, which feature B-roll footage from the film.

The Wolf of Wall Street, which is based on a true story, stars Leonardo DiCaprio as Jordan Belfort, who earned his massive fortune by aggressively (and fraudulently) selling penny stocks to investors before collecting their money and eventually defrauding them. He also utilized stock market manipulation to fund his extravagant parties launder his money overseas. Belfort was eventually arrested and ordered to serve 22 months in prison. He also had to pay back $110 million that was swindled from investors, whose total losses actually amounted to about $200 million.

The Wolf of Wall Street stars DiCaprio, Jonah Hill, Matthew McConaughey, Kyle Chandler, Margot Robbie and Jean Dujardin. It opens on Christmas Day.