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Is This The Real Reason That Benedict Cumberbatch Dropped Out Of Star Wars: Episode VII?

Benedict Cumberbatch is a hot commodity in Hollywood right now and he is picking up steam fast. For the past few months the actor has been fielding an increasing number of questions about whether or not he’s been cast in Star Wars: Episode VII. It’s a logical connection too, seeing as the actor has worked with J.J. Abrams before, and it's one that could prove both lucrative and fulfilling for both of them, if it turns out to be true.


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Benedict Cumberbatch is a hot commodity in Hollywood right now and he is picking up steam fast. For the past few months the actor has been fielding an increasing number of questions about whether or not he’s been cast in Star Wars: Episode VII. It’s a logical connection too, seeing as the actor has worked with J.J. Abrams before, and it’s one that could prove both lucrative and fulfilling for both of them, if it turns out to be true.

This week, Hollywood insiders have weighed in on the buzz circling Tinseltown, and fans of Cumberbatch making his lightsaber debut may want to prepare to be disappointed. If recent reports are to be believed, all signs point to Disney muddying the casting waters in order to call dibs on Cumberbatch for a future Marvel Studios film.

The insider tipping off The Daily Superhero, and the entertainment community, is the same one who broke the news that Marvel Studios was circling Bradley Cooper to cast him in what turned out to be a voice role as Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy this past summer. While vague, the insider claims that there is an incredible amount of interest in acquiring Cumberbatch for a Marvel role.

If accurate, this would prove a wily and deviously smart move by Disney; and not an entirely unexpected one. After all, there has been much fan buzz about wanting to see Cumberbatch cast as Doctor Strange, former neurosurgeon and practicing sorcerer, responsible for protecting Earth against both magical and mystical threats. But don’t go buying a ticket to that movie just yet as it’s all still purely speculation.

What do you think though? Would you love to see Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange? Or would you prefer he pick up a lightsaber in Star Wars: Episode VII? Let us know in the comments below.