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Over Four Million People Chose Pokemon X & Y In Just Two Days

Nintendo is reporting phenomenal worldwide sales for Pokemon X & Y, which were released with great fanfare this past weekend for the company's 3DS.


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Nintendo is reporting phenomenal worldwide sales for Pokemon X & Y, which were released with great fanfare this past weekend for the company’s 3DS.

The first global Pokemon launch saw the video giant sell more than four million units to eager gamers throughout Europe, Japan, and North and South America. As an interesting aside, Nintendo insiders proclaim that sales of X and Y are outpacing the previous entry in the franchise, Black and White 2, by more than 70 percent.

The release is without a doubt the fastest-selling 3DS title of all-time (not including regional launches) and solidifies that Pikachu and company are still a global force to be reckoned with. Furthermore, the series can now proudly claim total global sales in excess of 245 million units, which includes several sets that have moved over 10 million units each (Diamond/Pearl, Ruby/Sapphire and Black White).

With a franchise this lucrative (and with such devoted fans) future instalments in the series are sure to cause equal amounts of hysteria.

We’re currently working our way through the game right now, so we should have a review for you soon. We’re hoping to have it up by the end of the week so stay tuned!

In the meantime, tell us, have you picked up Pokemon X and/or Pokemon Y yet? If so, let us know in the comments section if you’re enjoying the game.