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Sony Confirms Cross-Platform Party Chat Between PlayStation 4 & PlayStation Vita

In their attempt to position the PlayStation Vita as the perfect complement to the PlayStation 4 for the core gamer, Sony reduced the asking price for the portable console in tandem with unveiling a bevy of upcoming indie games. Mind you, software isn’t the only correlation between the two devices, after it was confirmed by Sony’s Worldwide President Shuhei Yoshida that the PS4 and PS Vita will feature party chat across both platforms.

PlayStation Vita-Cross-Platform Chat

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In its attempt to position the PlayStation Vita as the perfect complement to the PlayStation 4 for the core gamer, Sony reduced the asking price for the portable console in tandem with unveiling a bevy of upcoming indie games. Mind you, software isn’t the only correlation between the two devices, after it was confirmed by Sony’s Worldwide President Shuhei Yoshida that the PS4 and PS Vita will feature party chat across both platforms.

In keeping with his quirky online persona, the company’s head honcho announced the news via his ever-lively Twitter feed. Responding to a fan’s question concerning the potential audio ability, Yoshida replied with a characteristically straightforward “Yes”.



We understood that the much-anticipated feature will finally come to PS4. However, this is the first inkling that the next-gen PlayStation ecosystem will accommodate communication between both platforms.

While it may not be considered an out and out system seller for the ailing PlayStation Vita, this is a clear indication of Sony’s dedication to implement a sense of synergy between the two consoles. Coupled with Remote Play functionality, – demonstrated at Gamescom using Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag – it’s clear that the company are doubling down in their efforts to make the Vita a viable companion to their flagship PS4 in the years to come.

Though the audio function itself has been part and parcel of the Vita since day one, cross-party chat was a much missed feature of the PlayStation 3. Nevertheless, the ability to communicate to online friends regardless of what game you’re playing will appease the gaming community interested in the PlayStation 4 and/or PlayStation Vita when the former releases November 15th, 2013.

What do you make of this? Are you pleased to see that Sony value the PlayStation Vita as a dedicated gaming device? Or do you feel the handheld still lacks sufficient software to gain a foothold in the market? Let us know your thoughts below.