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BioShock Infinite: Burial At Sea Gives Elizabeth A New Look

Cosplayers rejoice! *Crickets* Hey, c'mon now, I know there are Elizabeth cosplayers out there, I've seen pics online. Not only that, but Irrational Games said so in a recent post on their official blog, revealing Elizabeth's new costume from the upcoming and downloadable BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. Looks pretty sharp to me.

Elizabeth Rapture

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Cosplayers rejoice! *Crickets* Hey, c’mon now, I know there are Elizabeth cosplayers out there, I’ve seen pics online. Not only that, but Irrational Games said so in a recent post on their official blog, revealing Elizabeth’s new costume from the upcoming and downloadable BioShock Infinite: Burial at SeaLooks pretty sharp to me.

According to Irrational, this image will help fans “create the perfect cosplay,” as it shows Elizabeth from all angles and in great detail. In other words, it’ll spur people to “get those sewing machines started.” Yee-haw. I look forward to seeing what the cosplay community is able to come up with, but in the meantime at least we can enjoy some of these great quotes from commenters on Irrational’s blog post.

“Truly the femme fatale attire ^^ Next I hope the dlc will take many hours to complete while enabling a good stroll in Rapture with many npcs to talk.”

You know, that would actually be pretty cool, since most characters in the main game who weren’t story characters would just mutter a few words when you bump into them. Full Zelda-style dialogue from every NPC would be awesome, but I don’t see it happening.

“My wife loves her shoes. I prefer her eyes. Cheers to the artist(s).”

I can’t believe your superficial wife prefers shoes over eyes! Shameful. You sir are a pioneer of authenticity.

“Why her boobs have become so.. big x//D ?”

The lighthouses, man. Infinite lighthouses. Must have something to do with that.

“she have dark legs and a white ass face”

Hmm, no comment on that one.

Anyways… BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea is coming soon to PS3, 360, and PC, so don’t get your plasmids all in a bundle before they announce the release date. Infinite wasn’t my game of the year or anything, but it definitely was fun, so I’ll be taking this DLC purchase into consideration over the next few weeks.