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Has Hugh Jackman Been Offered $100 Million To Reprise Wolverine?

Today is a day for rumors, it seems. This latest one, though, has nothing to do with either Star Wars: Episode VII or the casting of Batman in Batman vs Superman. Instead, there's a rumor circulating the tubes of the Internet that Hugh Jackman has been offered $100 million to reprise his role as Wolverine in four more Marvel movies.


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Today is a day for rumors, it seems. This latest one, though, has nothing to do with either Star Wars: Episode VII or the casting of Batman in Batman vs Superman. Instead, there’s a rumor circulating the tubes of the Internet that Hugh Jackman has been offered $100 million to reprise his role as Wolverine in four more Marvel movies.

Say what now? FOUR? Yes, four movies in which Jackman – who has already played the clawed immortal seven times – will reprise the role that he’s most famous for. Now, we’ll grant that this rumor actually comes to us via The National Enquirer, which is not a paper known for its accurate reporting of anything. But the powers that be around the Internet seem to be crediting this report. Either that or it’s a slow news day.

Here’s why the report has credibility, though: the deal in itself makes a good bit of sense. Jackman has played the role so many times now that it’s unlikely anyone else will become Wolverine in future installments. Plus, the X-Men franchise shows no signs of slowing down, with X-Men: Days Of Future Past coming up shortly and plenty more films in the offing. Despite disappointing domestic returns on Wolverine’s two stand-alone films, they’ve still done well enough to keep Marvel coming back for more. So the offer itself makes good sense, even if the report comes from The National Enquirer.

Whether Hugh Jackman will take the money and run is another question. Four films seems like an awful lot – that’s the one part of the report that I’m inclined to disbelieve – and the time dedication to playing the same character could be too much for any actor. Still, it’s a consistent paycheck.

As of right now this is an unconfirmed rumor, so we’ll wait to see how it all pans out. Would you be into seeing Hugh Jackman return to Wolverine again, and again and … again?