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Amazon Record Broken By The Nintendo 3DS

Amazon (UK) have revealed that Nintendo’s new handheld has managed to become the most pre-ordered gaming device ever. The 3DS has successfully kicked up a firestorm of excitement with its flashy 3D without glasses and its startlingly attractive games.

Amazon (UK) have revealed that Nintendo’s new handheld has managed to become the most pre-ordered gaming device ever. The 3DS has successfully kicked up a firestorm of excitement with its flashy 3D without glasses and its startlingly attractive games.

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The device sold something like 200,000 units within the first week of launch in Japan and now the rest of the world appears set to beat this figure. I’m not normally interested in handheld games but my curiosity has got the better of me with the 3DS. Even though the colours currently available are limited I suspect everyone will own one within a month or so.

Gamers have been waiting for Nintendo to announce their next full sized console since late last year, and so far all they’ve seen is the 3DS. Some critics fear that Nintendo will lag behind its competitors if it doesn’t step up to the HD table very soon, and worry that even a simple ‘Wii-HD’ upgrade won’t be enough.

What do you think?