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Marvel vs. Capcom 3 DLC Characters Delayed [UPDATE]

Capcom has announced on their Japanese website and it was also reported by andriasang that the two DLC characters Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath will be delayed due to the tragic earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday. A new date will be announced when it is set. The two characters were supposed to be available tomorrow, March 15th for 400MSP or $5 each (or free if you bought the Collectors Edition).

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Capcom has announced on their Japanese website and it was also reported by andriasang that the two DLC characters Jill Valentine and Shuma Gorath will be delayed due to the tragic earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on Friday. A new date will be announced when it is set. The two characters were supposed to be available tomorrow, March 15th for 400MSP or $5 each (or free if you bought the Collectors Edition).

This was only announced on Capcom’s Japanese site so it is unclear whether this will affect overseas players as well, although it is highly likely due to the circumstances. You can check out their official Twitter for up to date information but we’ll also be updating readers here too.

The delay is unfortunate but considering the reason, I don’t think any of us can be angry as MvC3 DLC is probably the last thing on their minds right now. Our prayers go out to those in Japan.

UPDATE: We’ve just been updated on the Capcom-Unity website that the two DLC characters are indeed still releasing tomorrow for the rest of the world. It looks like this delay only affects Japan. Sorry about the confusion folks.