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Watch Joseph Gordon-Levitt Get It On In First Don Jon Trailer

Joseph Gordon-Levitt's directorial debut, Don Jon, blazed into Sundance all set to make a heart breaker out of its director. What it did was snag shocked gasps from the press who deemed the film too graphic for its depiction of on screen porn. It has since been re-edited following a tussle with the MPAA who were ready to slap the film with an NC-17 certificate. Judging from this first trailer, the presence of porn seems...well, rather necessary.


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Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s directorial debut, Don Jon, blazed into Sundance all set to make a heart breaker out of its director. What it did was snag shocked gasps from the press. The film was deemed too graphic for its depiction of on screen porn. It has since been re-edited following a tussle with the MPAA who were ready to slap the film with an NC-17 certificate. Judging from this first trailer though, the presence of porn seems…well, rather necessary.

Starring, written and directed by Gordon-Levitt, the Looper star leads this tale of a modern day Don Juan. Don Martello’s life is driven by his need for a great body, a great car, a great family and an even greater addiction to porn. As he finds himself drawn to Barbara (Scarlett Johansson) he must choose between self-gratification and taking a chance on a real relationship. What will triumph? Barbara’s affection for the romance Hollywood offers or Don’s love of adult entertainment?

The first trailer does exactly what a well-crafted preview should do. It makes you want more. Edited together in a frenetic montage are Don’s daily activities; the gym, driving his car, visiting his family, picking up girls and enjoying the delight of internet porn. It essentially parodies what are American Psycho antihero Patrick Bateman’s favourite hobbies. Gordon-Levitt however, is still just so damn likeable. The actor’s charisma and charm fall on the right side of narcissistic. Check out the final scene of the trailer. JGL can certainly do comedy.

In addition to Gordon-Levitt and Johansson, the cast includes Tony Danza, Brie Larson, Julianne Moore, Glenne Headly and Rob Brown. Film fans, stay frosty when watching the trailer. There’s a glimpse of two big-name stars engaged in some hilarious Hollywood spoofing.

Don Jon hits theatres on October 18th.

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