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WGTC Radio #48 – Star Trek Into Darkness Review and Discussion

As promised, here is the second podcast of the week for your listening pleasure. On Monday, we talked about Series 7 of Doctor Who, which recently finished its run, and today, we have recorded a nice long discussion of the most recent summer blockbuster, Star Trek Into Darkness.


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It’s time for another episode of WGTC Radio, the official podcast of We Got This Covered! Remember to subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link!

As promised, here is the second podcast of the week for your listening pleasure. On Monday, we talked about Series 7 of Doctor Who, which recently finished its run, and today, we have recorded a nice long discussion of the most recent summer blockbuster, Star Trek Into Darkness. 

If you have listened to one of our movie reviews before, you know the drill. There be spoilers ahead, and lots of them. We go in depth to talk about every major (and many minor) details of the movie, and for the first time in a while, Sean turned out to be more positive on something that me!

This podcast is the second of three this week, as I will be away for Memorial Day weekend, and we will be posting a third episode tomorrow covering the (rather disastrous) Xbox One reveal. If you’re a gamer, you will definitely want to tune in. Remember to follow me on Twitter (@JonathanLack) for all updates on our podcasting schedule.


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WGTC Radio is a weekly podcast that will post every Monday, and if you subscribe in iTunes, episodes will be delivered automatically and for free as soon as they are released. If you visit We Got This Covered on Mondays, we will also have streaming and downloadable versions of new episodes for your listening pleasure.