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Lost Planet 3 Delayed Again, Retail Specific Pre-Order Bonus Trailers Released

Way down at the bottom of a new press release detailing Capcom's release schedule for the next few months, the publisher nonchalantly stated that Lost Planet 3 will launch on August 27th in North America and August 30th across Europe. While not specifically mentioned in the press release, this new date does in fact represent a two month delay from the June 25th release date announced last March, and it puts the game well outside its original "early 2013" launch window.

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Way down at the bottom of a new press release detailing Capcom’s release schedule for the next few months, the publisher nonchalantly stated that Lost Planet 3 will launch on August 27th in North America and August 30th across Europe. While not specifically mentioned in the press release, this new date does in fact represent a two month delay from the June 25th release date announced last March, and it puts the game well outside its original “early 2013” launch window.

In addition to sneaking in a brand new delay for the game, Capcom has also released three retailer specific pre-order bonus trailers for Lost Planet 3. The trailers (embedded below) for GameStop, Amazon, and Best Buy detail all the extra digital stuff that you can get by paying a little advance cash to reserve your copy of the game. You know, just in case they run out of copies to sell on launch day…

All three retailers are offering their customers the Pressurized Claw and Tungesten Carbide Drill Rig upgrades as pre-order bonuses, however, the nod for the best package goes to GameStop — as is usually the case with these things. While Amazon and Best Buy offer a few unique weapons in addition to the Rig upgrades, GameStop gives players four Lost Planet characters for use in the game’s multiplayer modes (Grace Peyton, Phil Braddock, Jenette Diaz, and Gale Holden), along with Hunk from the Resident Evil franchise.

Lost Planet 3 is now set to launch on August 27th in North America and August 30th across Europe for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC. We will keep an eye out for the game’s next delay, and let you know as soon Capcom tries to stealth-announce it another press release. In the meantime, make sure to check out the pre-order bonus trailers embedded below so that you can plan out how to reserve a copy of the game.