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New Trailer For Animal Crossing: New Leaf Released

Animal Crossing: New Leaf, the fourth main entry in Nintendo's popular simulation series, is currently scheduled for a North American release on June 9. As this release draws closer, Nintendo is beginning to roll out promotional media for the game, including a new trailer.

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Animal Crossing: New Leaf, the fourth main entry in Nintendo’s popular simulation series, is currently scheduled for a North American release on June 9. As this release draws closer, Nintendo is beginning to roll out promotional media for the game, including a new trailer.

The video seems to lean less towards promoting the game’s new features and more towards providing some basic info for those unfamiliar with the series. In it, you can see clips of player characters picking up some of the game’s numerous collectibles, including fruit, fish, insects, and even buried treasure. Also showcased is the new ability to swim, and the option to go to a nightclub later in the day run by the iconic singing dog K.K. Slider.

Numerous other details about the game include the ability to download additional content at no cost, and a new mechanic where your character becomes the mayor of your town, greatly enhancing the game’s customization abilities.

As someone who played a lot of the original Gamecube Animal Crossing back in the day, I can say that those who will be playing the series for the first time with New Leaf should be in for a great time. The series formula, allowing you to interact and develop friendships with the numerous NPC animals that populate your town, as well as expand your home and customize your clothes and furniture, is a lot of fun and very addicting. The ability to play on the go, and presumably make use of the 3DS’s online play and StreetPass features, seems perfectly suited for the type of lighthearted simulation the series is known for. 3DS owners looking for the next must-have title after Fire Emblem: Awakening might want to look into it if they need a new game to suck up their free time.

We will keep you updated as Animal Crossing: New Leaf approaches its release date. Until then, feel free to discuss the series in the comments below.