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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gets Re-Classified In Australia

The Australian Classification Board issued a new MA 15+ rating for a "modified" version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution on March 1, 2013, indicating that we could see some kind of re-release for the 2011 action-RPG in the near future. Aside from revealing Namco Bandai as the applicant for the new classification, the actual rating page reveals very little about the modified game, and in no way mentions what any of the exact changes are. CVG is speculating that it could be something as simple as a reissue of the original game that includes its DLC, or a possible Wii U port.

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The Australian Classification Board issued a new MA 15+ rating for a “modified” version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution on March 1, 2013, indicating that we could see some kind of re-release for the 2011 action-RPG in the near future. Aside from revealing Namco Bandai as the applicant for the new classification, the actual rating page reveals very little about the modified game, and in no way mentions what any of the exact changes are. CVG is speculating that it could be something as simple as a reissue of the original game that includes its DLC, or a possible Wii U port.

Backing up the Wii U port angle are unconfirmed reports from last October stating the Australian development studio Straight Right (the company that ported Mass Effect 3 to the Wii U) was working on bringing a “triple-A Square Enix” port to Nintendo’s latest console. Assuming the Straight Right report (which was based on an employees LinkedIn profile) was correct, this new classification for Deus Ex: Human Revolution could very well be the first sign of the Wii U port. Of course, the Straight Angle port could just as likely be some other Square Enix IP like Hitman: Absolution, or Tomb Raider.

Whatever this new “modified” version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution turns out to be, it would probably be best not to get too worked up until Square Enix announces something official. Last week Square Enix filed a European trademark for Deus Ex: Human Defiance and referenced it for use in video games, online entertainment services, comic books, strategy guides, or any number of other related products. As it turns out, Human Defiance ended up not being the grand sequel to Human Revolution that we were expecting, but simply the title of an upcoming Deus Ex movie.

We will keep an eye out for any official confirmation from Square Enix as to what exactly they are planning to do with this “modified” version of Deus Ex: Human Revolution and let you know as soon as we hear something.