Development on the console version of Bit.Trip Presents Runner 2: Future Legend Of Rhythm Alien has officially wrapped up and the game has been sent out to Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo for certification. This means that with any luck we will all soon be happily sprinting though the game as the hilariously disturbing (and slightly phallic) Reverse Merman.
Gaijin Games’ Alex Neuse made the announcement on the developer’s blog yesterday, stating that Runner 2 is “by far the most ambitious submission process Gaijin has ever done and [they are] not even finished yet”. The PC, Mac, and Linux versions are apparently next in line.
To highlight some of the troubles that the studio encountered before submitting the finished game, Neuse ran down a short list of problems that cropped up during the submission process on each platform.
On the PlayStation Network, the team found an issue with Runner 2‘s leaderboards “minutes before uploading” the code to Sony. This resulted in them having to cut out a “very minor leaderboard feature” from the game. They made up for the cut by sneaking “in an amazing description for something that [they] imagine no one will ever read”.
The XBLA version was next on the list, and it promptly ran into trouble with Microsoft’s friendly submission process. Turns out Gaijin didn’t deliver everything in the exact way that Microsoft likes it, so they have to spend “a few days figuring out how to hand it off in just the right way”.
Finally, Gaijin tackled Nintendo’s Wii U version and found themselves having to fix another bug that was found “minutes before uploading”. Neuse stated that it involved a “rather important feature” and he was happy to report everything turned out fine before the submission was sent off.
With Bit.Trip Presents Runner 2: Future Legend Of Rhythm Alien now in Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo’s hands it should not be long before we will be able to get our grubby little mitts on it. As soon as Gaijin announces a release date we will let you know.