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WGTC Radio #21: Call of Duty Retrospective

On the new episode of WGTC Radio the podcast, we discuss the history of the "Call of Duty" franchise as "Black Ops II" arrives to take all your money.

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It’s time for another installment of WGTC Radio, the official podcast of We Got This Covered. Remember to subscribe for free in iTunes by following this link!

Last week, Call of Duty: Black Ops II arrived on shelves and quickly broke nearly every financial record not just for video games, but for the entertainment industry as a whole. So for this week’s podcast, we ask the question: What gives this series such awe-inspiring longevity? Sean and I have badmouthed the games on several occasions in the past, but do we really dislike them, or do we feel recent titles have simply failed to live up the promise of their predecessors? Has the rushed production cycle on the games had a negative impact? To answer these questions and more, we trace the history of the series as we experience it, from Call of Duty 2 launching alongside the Xbox 360 in 2006, up to last year’s spectacularly disappointing (creatively, if not financially) Modern Warfare 3.

And for the first half of the show, we discuss other various topics, including a breakdown of the final Twilight film (you can read my review here), news on the Wii U launch, a guide to Thanksgiving movie releases, and more! Look at the Time Chart below to jump to segments that interest you!

Enjoy the show!   


Intro: 0:00:00 – 0:03:18

Final “Twilight” Rant: 0:03:18 – 0:22:43

Wii U Launch Discussion: 0:22:43 – 0:45:20

Jonathan’s Thanksgiving Movie Guide: 0:45:20 – 0:57:56

Other Odds and Ends, including Hobbit Soundtrack: 0:57:56 – 1:03:00

Call of Duty Retrospective: 1:03:00 – 2:34:34

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Note: Due to technical reasons with our file server, we could not stream this week’s episode on the website. You can still stream and download it by clicking the link above. The issue will be resolved in time for the next episode. Thanks!

If you have questions, comments, or concerns about WGTC Radio, or would like to write in to the podcast to have your questions read on air, please e-mail [email protected].

WGTC Radio is a weekly podcast that will post every Monday, and if you subscribe in iTunes, episodes will be delivered automatically and for free as soon as they are released. If you visit We Got This Covered on Mondays, we will also have streaming and downloadable versions of new episodes for your listening pleasure.