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Mark Wahlberg Confirmed To Join Michael Bay’s Transformers 4

The last two weeks of "will he? won't he?" became a cyclic hell for those pondering Romney's chances, so it was an enjoyable reprieve to wonder the same about Mark Wahlberg's future in Michael Bay's upcoming Transformers 4.

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The last two weeks of “will he? won’t he?” became a cyclic hell for those pondering Romney’s chances, so it was an enjoyable reprieve to wonder the same about Mark Wahlberg‘s future in Michael Bay‘s upcoming Transformers 4.

After the initial rumour hit the web, Bay retorted that it was false and an obvious suggestion considering his and Wahlberg’s current collaboration on Pain and Gain. Then he twiddled his hair around his fingers and said he’d think about it, but only if Marky Mark bought him a corsage.

Now, it has been confirmed that Mark Wahlberg will indeed replace the entirely replaceable Shia LaBoeuf as the next lead in Transformers 4. Bay took to his blog to announce the news describing Wahlberg as “awesome” and that he has what it takes to “reinvigorate” the turgid franchise.

A so-premature-it’s-probably-jaundiced logo also landed today for Transformers 4 which you can scope out above. It’s purpose to excite fans for the next instalment has a way to go before it hits theatres on June 27th, 2014.

Are you excited for Mark Wahlberg to carry the chalice Shia LaBeouf carried before him? And does the thought of Transformers 4 get you giddy? Have your say in the comments below.

(Source: The Film Stage)