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Is Matthew Vaughn In Line For Star Wars: Episode 7?

Last week we told you that Bryan Singer had replaced Matthew Vaughn on X-Men: Days Of Future Past. Many scratched their heads in confusion at the news. Why would Vaughn step away from the franchise? What was tempting him away from it? What could be so much better that he would turn down such a great directing gig?

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Last week we told you that Bryan Singer had replaced Matthew Vaughn on X-Men: Days Of Future Past. Many scratched their heads in confusion at the news. Why would Vaughn step away from the franchise? What was tempting him away from it? What could be so much better that he would turn down such a great directing gig?

Well, now we know as Collider is reporting that their sources tell them that the director is in talks with Lucasfilm to direct Star Wars: Episode 7.

Now, this news hasn’t been officially confirmed and it isn’t 100% but Collider seems pretty confident in it and I wouldn’t be surprised if it turns out to be true. After all, it would make sense if this was the reason for Vaughn dropping Days of Future Past as this is a much better opportunity. That being said, if this turns out to be nothing more than rumors, we’ve put together a handy list of five other directors who would be good choices for the job.

Set for release in 2015, Star Wars: Episode 7 has been a hot topic ever since the announcement that Disney bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion dollars. Much speculation has surrounded who would helm the film and which direction it would take. While all of it has been exciting, this is perhaps the best news we’ve received thus far.

Vaughn is an excellent director and he also has talent as a writer. Having both skills handy on a film like this would be very beneficial in ensuring that the film goes over well with fans. He’s already shown us that he can reboot a franchise with X-Men: First Class and we all know that Star Wars is in need of a new vision after the last three films turned out to be duds. So why not turn to Vaughn to reboot such a beloved franchise?

What do you think? Is Matthew Vaughn a good match for Star Wars?