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Johnny Knoxville And Andy Samberg On The Three Stooge’s Shortlist?

The Farrelly Brothers are planning to bring the Three Stooges to the big screen. With the project fast tracked for a March 14, 2011 start date, it appears as if the three stars may be Johnny Knoxville, Andy Samberg and Shane Jacobson. Apparently, they're all on the shortlist and it's likely we may see them in the roles. This is quite the turn around from the original cast we heard about, which was Sean Penn as Larry, Jim Carrey as Curly and Benicio del Toro as Moe.

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The Farrelly Brothers are planning to bring the Three Stooges to the big screen. With the project fast tracked for a March 14, 2011 start date, it appears as if the three stars may be Johnny Knoxville, Andy Samberg and Shane  Jacobson. Apparently, they’re all on the shortlist and it’s likely we may see them in the roles. This is quite the turn around from the original cast we heard about, which was Sean Penn as Larry, Jim Carrey as Curly and Benicio del Toro as Moe.

The story of the film will start off as “the trio are dumped out as newborns at the door of an orphanage….and follows them to adulthood and is very much in the spirit of the original shorts, in which the blue collar bumblers got the best of the wealthy society matrons that tried to exploit them.”

The film will carry a PG rating and will be divided into three, 27 minute segments. Not much more is known right now but I’d certainly like to see these three in the film. I’m not too familiar with Shane Jacobson’s work but Knoxville and Samberg are great and they’d be perfect for the parts.

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