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‘I’ve seen this episode of ‘Criminal Minds’: Husband inadvertently launches police investigation after digging up bones in his backyard

'Gonna need more info on that.'

Screengrabs via @RebeccaLynneEchols

After consuming one too many true crime podcasts or maybe a few too many hours of Criminal Minds, it can be easy to create suspicions out of everyday situations. Most of them are benign, maybe a car follows behind you for a block too long or you walk alone at night and start to have flashbacks of Law and Order episodes. Many of these situations can be explained away and nothing really comes of them. However, events like the one in the viral TikTok can make even the most skeptical of True crime deniers suspicious.

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Rebecca-Lynn Echols was having her husband plant some trees in their backyard when he dug up something that he thought was a pipe. When he dug farther he realized that he was hitting a suitcase with his shovel. As he tried to pull it out, he realized it was a suitcase full of bones. He immediately called the police who brought over a whole team of officers to investigate the buried body. Rebecca hilariously recorded the events of her Saturday afternoon by saying she felt a sudden urge to vacuum her back deck and snoop on what was going on.


Time to vaccum the back deck and sweep or gravel driveway. We were gonna watch football but this is way more exciting #crimestories #criminalinvestigations #fyp

♬ Just A Girl – No Doubt

Viewers were naturally appalled and curious over such a bizarre incident and were quick to beg for more information and updates in the comments. Others encouraged her to move a little closer in order to figure out what was going on. “Girl THATS YOUR HOUSE! Grab a chair and a glass of wine and watch freely,” one commenter said.

With such bizarre and limited information, true crime lovers especially were begging for more details, likely in hopes of solving a cold case. Rebecca delivered, posting a much-anticipated part 2 and relaying the details of the whole situation. She shared that the forensic team thought the bones were either human or great dane and they had already sent them out to be tested. Apparently, the reason there was so much hubbub following the backyard discovery is that the police thought the bag of bones may have been the work of a local (now incarcerated) serial killer.

Unfortunately for eager viewers, she has yet to receive the results of the test, although commenters are divided on whether they’re rooting for human or dog remains. Regardless, viewers are completely invested.

According to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum, human and animal bones differ in internal structure, density, and shape, allowing trained experts to easily identify which is which. And this isn’t the first, second, or even third time that differentiation has been put to the test in someone’s backyard. In fact, just a couple of years ago, the New York Times reported finding the remains of a 45-year-old cold case victim in the backyard of a Queens, New York residence, which is why it was especially important for Rebecca and her husband to alert the police. They could be the key to solving a cold case.

Or someone could have buried their family pet in the backyard following its death. But what’s intriguing about that story?