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‘My ovaries just shriveled up’: Kid goes to shocking extreme to skip school and play Fortnite

He's nothing if not creative.

Screengrab via @yamusorare on TikTok

Sometimes when you know what you want, you’ll go to great lengths to make it happen. That was certainly the case for the boy in this viral TikTok. As summer comes to a close, he appears to have realized that the end of the season also means the end of his non-stop Fortnite marathon.

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As any logical gamer would, he figured the only solution to his problem was to make it impossible to get to school in the morning. And naturally, that meant slashing his mother’s tires.


The video shows security camera footage of the little boy running outside, stabbing the tire, and running back in just as swiftly. Commenters were quick to jump in on the unfortunate but hilarious incident. Viewers brainstormed punishments for the boy. Everything from walking to school every day to becoming Amish to kick the video game addiction. One commenter even said that they would turn all of the power off in their house. “Please tell us you were very creative with his discipline. I’d love to know what you did and how it’s going.”

A select handful of commenters praise the boy’s creativity and laugh at the genius of the whole situation, and one even said that they did the same thing when they were a child and mad at their father.

Several viewers expressed some concern over the mental health of the young child. A few even recommended therapy and pleaded with the parents to give the boy the help that he may need.

According to Demand Sage, this little boy isn’t the only person spending a good chunk of their free time on Fortnite. On average Fortnite players spend 6-10 hours on the game, an amount that is definitely interrupted by going back to school. There are more than 25 million daily players, 90% of which are male. Though the boy in the video looks much younger, 62% of these players are ages 18-24. It’s still unclear how many of those players have slashed their mother’s tires so that they can continue playing all day every day.

Unfortunately for the boy in the video, chances are he eventually had to go back to school and leave his sunshiny summer days of playing Fortnite behind him. The back-to-school transition can be hard for parents and children alike, but the best way to deal with it is probably some back-to-school shopping or an end-of-summer ice cream. Maybe not slashing tires.