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Darksiders II Will Let You Create Your Own Version Of Death

On August 14, Vigil Games will unleash Death upon the gaming community in the form of Darksiders II. By promising to improve upon its underrated debut's memorable action/adventure designs by implementing quite a few new and exciting mechanics, the Austin-based development studio has set the proverbial bar quite high. Though, considering the team's proven talent, it won't be surprising if its members go above and beyond their vocal pledges.

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On August 14, Vigil Games will unleash Death upon the gaming community in the form of Darksiders II. By promising to improve upon its underrated debut’s memorable action/adventure designs by implementing quite a few new and exciting mechanics, the Austin-based development studio has set the proverbial bar quite high. Though, considering the team’s proven talent, it won’t be surprising if its members go above and beyond their vocal pledges.

What we have for you here is yet another Behind the Mask featurette, which uses a mixture of interview footage and visceral gameplay action to show off some of the exciting new features that have been implemented into Darksiders II. That impressive list boasts some major game-changing facets, including loot, enchanted weaponry, two different character classes and an open world that promotes exploration.

All four of those elements will allow players to create their own version of the main character by choosing what he wears, uses and masters. If you want to create a speed or power-focused warrior, then that’s an option, but others can choose to focus on ranged attacks and the arcane.